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Facilitating Mathematical Discussions | Module One


Play the video above and use the resource links on the right as directed. Before you begin make sure you have opened the Module One Manual. In Module One you will learn how to design supported opportunities for all of your students to engage in discussions about mathematical content with diverse partners. Using the manuals and links you will explore lessons showcasing how other teachers have implemented lessons that facilitate mathematical discussions. You will also be provided with instructional strategies for implementing discussions with your students around problem solving. 

Facilitating Mathematical Discussions | Module Two


In Module One you were introduced to the SOAR Teaching Frame and we unpacked the high-impact practice, Mathematical Discussions. Before beginning the Module Two video open the Module Two Manual. In this module you will learn how to facilitate acquisition of the academic language students need to effectively engage in communicating mathematical understanding during discussions. In addition you will experience instructional strategies and lesson ideas for use in your classroom to support these practices

Facilitating Mathematical Discussions | Module Three


In Module Two you were introduced to facilitating acquisition of academic language to support mathematical learning. Before beginning the Module Three video open the Module Three Manual. In this module you will learn how to foster metacognition so that your students can persevere with mathematical problem solving and communication and so that they know what strategies to use when they are stuck. You will also experience instructional strategies and lesson ideas for use in your classroom to foster metacognition. 

Facilitating Mathematical Discussions | Module Four


In Module Three you were introduced to fostering metacognition to support mathematical thinking and learning. Before beginning the Module Four video open the Module Four Manual. In this module you will explore tools for connecting and guiding mathematical thinking and learning during discussions. You will earn how to design lessons and connected tasks that support student engagement in mathematical discussions. 

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